Bespoke Bookings

Self Retreat at Santa Fe Soul Sanctuary
~ Come Home to Yourself ~
Bespoke Retreats for Indivuals or Couples
Many guests like to book LITTLE NAVAJO COTTAGE to retreat from the world: some come to meditate themselves, some come to be in nature, whilst others come to complete the writing of a book, or to hike the wilderness areas and swim in the many rock pools.
Venue: Santa Fe Soul Sanctuary
Dates: email to enquire

Private Session Work with Kali
Online or in-person at Santa Fe Soul Sanctuary
Meditate Yourself ~ All of you is Welcome Here.
Kali offers any Lover of Truth, the opportunity to MEDITATE YOURSELF through powerful IMMERSIVE SESSIONS - preferably in person, however Zoom calls also prove effective.
Sometimes one session is all that's needed, sometimes a series of sessions is required.
The client regulates the relationship.
In the safe, sacred container of the session there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, nowhere to go, and nobody to be.

Private Plant Medicine Retreats
Venue: at Santa Fe Soul Sanctuary
For Lovers of Truth Called to San Pedro ~ Answer the Calling.
San Pedro, named after St Peter, holds the keys to the gates of heaven.
Plant medicine is not for everybody and ideally should be imbibed in a safe, well held ceremony upon hearing the calling from the planet medicine’s consciousness. This calling will be specific, and not just for any plant teacher. Signs might include seeing the plant wherever you look, hearing its sacred name mentioned repeatedly, as well as beginning to feel the need for guidance, or for a quantum shift within.

BlissDance Facilitation (Certification, Classes, Retreats)
~ Embody Your Desire ~
BlissDance is a Totality Tantra Movement Practice of Awakening. Awakening to more of everything in life: more love, more pleasure, more you!
BlissDance asks, what do you really, really want out of this beautiful, blessed life? How can you embody your desire, without compulsion or suppression? How can you be the subject of your desire, rather than chasing after objects?
BlissDance also asks, how much bliss can you stand? Bliss is not simply happiness: bliss includes happiness, but bliss is so much more than that! Bliss is really an orientation to the reality of existence, which opens its loving and compassionate heart to all that life brings. The bliss state says, ‘Bring it on!’ It has no preferences or avoidances.

Conscious Dance Journeys
For Every Journey There is a Dance
Each conscious dance journey - whether BlissDance or Shamanic Ecstatic Dance - has an organising theme or weave.
There are as many weaves as there are aspects of existence.
The dance facilitator's task is to stitch a together an accessible, coherent tapestry using words (sparsely) and evocative music as the vehicles for communicating each journey's invitation.
It's important to allow the dancers to discover their own authentic experience within the intention of the weave.

DeeJay Kali
Book ~The Dancing Dakini~ for Conscious Events
I've been facilitating conscious dance journeys (BlissDance, Ecstatic Shamanic Trance Dance) since 2012, mostly throughout South Africa, but also in the UK & Holland.
My invitation is to drop deeply into unconditional, loving Intimacy with ourselves, with the other, the group, & ultimately, the beloved. From the still, silent ground of our being, we can ripple & flow outwards to dance with all of existence, drinking and kissing the moment, allowing the precious nectar of life to permeate, breathe, dance & celebrate us!
There's a shamanic quality to many of my journeys, as I invite expanded consciousness through the breath and movement, whilst subtly communicating to the nervous system in order to part the veils of illusion & unconscious constructs we've become encased in. Ultimately, embarking on a dance journey from beginning to end - surfing our own unique edge - leaves us on a natural high, vibrating with the Eros of Existence.'

Full Moon RED Circles - Weekend Intesives
Venue: at Santa Fe Soul Sanctuary
Dates: 2024 TBC / on request
Beloved sisters, lovers of truth & embodied consciousness movers & groovers, I invite you to join me as together we drop into the deep feminine mystery of the womb, out of which all innate wisdom emanates, and from where all healing happens spontaneously by itself - no efforting, no pushing, no 'working at it,' or fixing. By simply being the compassionate, conscious space for it all to be there, we naturally discover grace, peace, love and harmony.

Loving Touch Workshops
Loving Touch is the first, primary and primal language of humanity. We need touch with presence as much as we need food, water, fresh air, clothing and shelter. Without it psychologists have documented that war orphans, who receive everything except loving touch, fail to thrive, and sometimes even die. It’s that important!
Many people today complain of skin hunger, or a longing to be touched. Even those in loving partnerships report feeling touch-starved. Similarly, I’ve had Tantrikas tell me, after a Loving Touch Workshop, they didn’t realise how much touch they still needed to feel fully expansive and happy.

African Bush Retreats
Where Mother Nature is Teacher & Classroom
GROW WILD WITH KALI offers bespoke Safari Retreats in spectacular wilderness areas and big 5 game reserves on the Southern African sub-continent.
Here, Mother Nature is our teacher, guide & classroom. Our immersions in the bush are mostly silent, as we commune with the elements & all our relations.
In our experience, the quieter & stiller we become, the more we hear nature's soft whispers, well as those from within, & the more that wisdom drops in & integrates into our daily lives, transforming us ~ over time ~ beyond our wildest dreams.